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WTF Bubbles 🍾

WTF Bubbles 🍾

Regular price €10,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €10,90 EUR
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Price per liter: 13,32€ | Contains sulfites | Alcohol content: 11%

Reccomended number of people per bottle:
Mood dependent. We think 1 or 1,5 people maximum.
Reccomended drinking temperature:
6-8 degrees –in emergencies a little warmer.


On a mild summer night in Italy, somebody broke into a winery. What was stolen? 6 bottles of the best Prosecco. The legend of Mr. Bubbles was born. Known in all famous clubs of the world, he lives in the night, addicted to the sparkling gold. From Shanghai to Berlin and Los Angeles – he knows everybody and everybody knows him. We were looking for him, we found him and after 3 hangover-nights we were allowed to taste his fruitful drug. And he told us the secret receipt. “WTF? BUBBLES! THAT’S AMAZING”, was our reaction. Now we want to give you the chance to taste this bottled attitude to life. 


Forget former days when you visited parties. From now on YOU ARE THE PARTY.

Important notice: By ordering you only get the ordered bottles of prosecco. Models, pool and glasses are not included. For these services you have to visit other sites. ;-) Here you get the wine – in this case sparkling wine – that makes your day great again..

Guter Wein, gute Zeiten – mit Verantwortung! Nur für Erwachsene. Genieße bewusst, erlebe den Moment.

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Vergessen den Wein einzukühlen? Wenn es schnell gehen muss: Baumwolltuch nass machen -> um die Flasche wickeln -> für 20 Minuntern in den Gefrierschrank geben.

Im idealfall Flasche nicht vergessen. Genießen.


Wir sagen dir bestimmt nicht wie du deinen Superwine trinken sollst? Deinen WTF Bubbles mit Aperol? OMG it's white mit Eiswürfeln? Erlaubt ist was Spaß macht.


Wir hassen Versandkosten. Du auch? Gott sei Dank schicken wir deine Bestellung ab 60€ versandkostenfrei in Österreich und nach Deutschland. In der Regel dauert die Lieferung deiner Weine zwischen 2-3 Werktagen.